Sunday, January 19, 2014

The principle of escalation.

This is, in a way, a sister post to the "Beauty Hour at the Gym"
Here I like to describe how ordinary things can get out of hand

escalation |ˌeskəˈlāSHən|
a rapid increase; a rise: cost escalations.
• an increase in the intensity or seriousness of something; an intensification: an escalation of violence.

In the film “Batman Begins”, the final conversation between Batman and Lt. Gordon of the Gotham City Police force covers the threat of escalation. Gordon is concerned by the intensification of violence. As police officers start wearing Kevlar, criminals will start using armor piercing rounds, and the process continues until crime evolves into outright war in an American Metropolis. Ugly.
The same applies the opposite direction
My Saturday evening began as uneventful. I was in my room, just cleaning. I got on AmazonPrime and looked for a movie the corner of my eye could watch amid the organizing. The film “A walk To Remember Caught” stood out. “Interesting” I thought, “I haven’t watched a romance in a while…I could just humor myself and see if it is any good…there is nothing else very appealing anyway… why not?”

Before the film was over I was singing “Only Hope” to myself, I had purchased the song on ITunes. I also had looked up the National Star Registry website, and the Leukemia Foundation website (as a donation could save the preserve the lives of the two young lovers). And to top it all off I was trying to learn to play the songs in the film on the guitar trying to hold back tears. An innocent mistake…

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