Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Wednesday Worrier- Halloween Edition

It has been a while since the last edition of the Wednesday Worrier- I feel sorry- in fact, I was worrying about it. So here it is! A new one. 
The Wednesday Worrier

So Yesterday there was a Halloween Party for my housing complex at the University which I attend. I was running late, coming straight from an evening class so I showed up without a costume. I was worried that I would be that one guy who "was too cool to dress up". Heaven knows that guy is a total kill-joy and when else can you put on all that make up you pretend you don't have and use on occasion (those kill-joys are, in a strange twist of irony, the ones that usually have the man-makeup anyway). So I ran home with one of my roommates, and we made up costumes quickly. I put on red shoes, pants and a shirt. He did the same with teal clothing. We put on labels which read the color we were. The Idea was to be crayons, but...ya we are idiots and in a hurry. 

Dumb. I know. Of course we were the only people there who had the costumes which no one understood. "what are you supposed to be?" the most heartbreaking words said on halloween, apart from "I think I'll dress like this all year long." I was so panicked that this would be uncool. Was this worse than not dressing up? Did the really cute "Dorothy" think I was a firehydrant? Did I get that stain out of my shirt?

But when asked who we were, the spirit of halloween (the non-alcohal/sex/satanist driven portions of it) gave me a gift. Every time were asked what we were, a new potential costume came to mind. To some we were a paint swatch, to others we were modern art. And the best part- spilling ketchup all over myself just added to the costume. Can't say the same for teal.

Monday, October 28, 2013


It is Monday- So I figured everyone would like some more words

6. to shiftake (verb); when one walks into another’s path and both parties attempt to step out of the other’s way but move in the same direction, often creating an awkward situation from which a male can not recover, especially to obtain the cute girl's number

Example: I often shiftake when I walk directly into the path of a beautiful woman, mostly because I cannot stop staring at her and cannot notice that she is obviously creeped out.

7. romorry (noun); the pain and fear of not knowing how a crush and or potential significant other feels about you, especially after advances (such as asking her or him out) have been made.

Example: Jeremy was suffering profound romorry after he confessed to Kate Beckinsale that he loved her so much that he followed her everywhere and even went through her garbage to find used tissues. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

More Words

Here is another round of...
Today's theme is words... words for words which shorten the amount of wordy words used.

3. Regwords (noun):  words you wish you could have said in a certain moment, but were too slow to think of, but after hours of angry sulking you have a perfect speech laid out to day just in case the exact same situation arises again.

Example: Many of the regwords Big Bird had in mind for Oscar consisted of four letters and compared him to the trash can in which he lived.

4. Erwords (noun): spoken words which you wish you could grab out of the air and put back in your mouth in oder to avoid a perceived awkward situation (often time erwords are simply spoken regwords)

Example: Unfortunately for Kanye, the camera's were rolling, and everything he just said would now become erwords which he could not erase and would soon after apologize for. 

5. Uncomfords (noun): 1. The verb to accidentally annoy someone when your original intention was to make them more comfortable 2. Any spoken series of words (which can often be erwords) which make a situation less habitable than before. 3. Anything Justin Bieber says. 

Example: The party goers didn't know which was more uncomfortable; the uncomfords Janice had used to describe how great it was to have blind people at the party, or the vomit she had spewed all over the dance floor.

Thanks for reading: Mckay Hansen- I will try and think of a word to better grasp the phrase "to feel like..." It is too long and cumbersome to be used. Please leave suggestions for new words or other possible posts.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

New Segment: Words Which Are Needed In The English Language...Or Which Would Make It All the More Entertaining...

I have greatly neglected the blog... and I feel bad...about that...
So I plan on making it up to you: referring to those who actually read the blog/actually enjoy it (I'm looking at you Brandon).

So in order to do this I have a small post every day this week- OH GOODIE!
SO...Here it is
These are words and their attached definitions which describe a somewhat indescribable noun, verb or adjective which often occurs in daily life, but all too regularly requires an entire paragraph to express. These are meant to be funny but also make you stop and think to yourself,"Hey, that would be nice..." 

1.kindaknowphobia (noun): The feeling when one is too ashamed to say hello to someone else when that someone is only slightly familiar (an acquaintance perhaps). See also Kindaknowphobic,

Example: Kevin's kindaknowphobia kept him from to saying high to Nancy, his sister's rude and pig like roommate, whom he had only met once during a freak accident at a child's birthday party.

2. slip time (noun): the period of time between daily events which is not suitable for major productivity and often creates feelings of hopelessness or unproductiveness. 

Example: Sythia realized she only had 25 minutes of slip time until her Chemistry class, which happened to be the same one in which she hit on the TA in order to get a good grade

Thanks for reading- if you have any word suggestions, let me know in the comment section. I'll be sure to give you a shout out.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Another Davis-Osophy

This segment is not meant to hurt anyone's feelings (or pride for that matter, but I write a blog about nothing so I guess I hurt myself on that one...) I also hate those individuals who have the insatiable need to “open your mind” to what “the world is really like”- ironically they are simply asking you to be a non-conformist by asking you to think and do what they do…. I call these people the "the people who wear a lot
of black".
So in light of this I hope to simply keep with the long standing tradition (2 posts) of DAVIS-OSOPHIES as being simple thoughts I have had… Let’s begin

“Slack lining” has become popular for those who like parks, no shoes and have spare rope and well-spaced trees nearby. To the well balanced I say “Enjoy the odd arm waving and bouncing.”
My point however is this- “Would those who slack line still do so if they knew it by its original name “Tight Rope Walking”? The world rarely changes- it simply updates itself slightly less often than Apple makes a new something you may have already seen and purchased and just dropped to crack the screen. 

(Please Note: the Genius picture is to be ironic- I'm not that smart- Hence the other stupid blog posts- I wonder if they have a picture that says "I'm an apologist".