Monday, April 23, 2018

Monday in History: April 23rd

-Monday in History-

April 23rd:

On this day in 1564, William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-on-Avon (at least as tradition states). During his lifetime Shakespeare would create a singular portfolio of work which not only solidify the English Language as a literary medium but the foundation for Western Story Telling. The effects of which are seen throughout the modern world. I sincerely doubt there isn't High School student who has not read the sparknotes for at least one of his works. I admit to being one of them. Despite an immense respect and reverence for his work, I have scarcely understood anything. And it leaves me with the question:

Has the fool made a greater blunder in trying yet not understanding and denying the ignorance? 
For not attempting and glorying in his ignorance? 

While it is beyond me to answer, it does remind me of his great Twelfth Night quote:

"Foolery, Sir, does walk around the orb like the sun; it shines everywhere."
Twelfth Night - Act 3, Scene 1, Page 3

Ignorance is bliss, and stupid seems to shine out everywhere. So to all my fellow idiots out there, I'll quote another literary great that I too fail to understand: Pink Floyd -

"Shine on you Crazy Diamond"

Thanks for reading, good luck out there

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