Thursday, December 31, 2015

Top Ten: Things That Are Annoying When Other People Do Them

I hope that today's Top Ten List will open some eyes and help us all (at least those of us with important things to do) to live a more effective, creative, worthwhile life.
Because how dare you...
(All social media related items have been excluded to be placed in a separate list all their own)

10. Wasting Time Reading this blog- Ironic? Yes. True? Yes. Funny? We hope. Go do something more important- call your mom, read to a child. recycle...
9. When People drive slowly- To the young woman driving the blue chevy hatchback on the freeway today- just so you know- I know who you are, and I will find you, miss 239 WXQ. And also don't text and drive and expect your political bumper stickers to be respected. I'm no longer voting for Sanders, and no one else is either.
8. Whistling- for some reason, everyone endowed with this gift abuses it. And by abuse it I mean whistles an obscure 1960's show tune extremely loud in the office when it is a well known fact that 90% of the people in there are swamped with work.
7. Using the blender. Strawberry goodness is always preceded by the pain of going deaf. Why is it there has been no attempt at a silent blender? We put a man on the moon, computers in our hands, and Conan back on TV, we can certainly do other miracles.
6. Talking about being at the gym, at the gym (this includes cross-fit). Thanks for telling me about your cool workout routine bro... and crazy that it's arm day again already, huh? (The read to a child comment from earlier is targeted especially at these people because they could also use a little help with big words).
5. The multi-salad order at Chopt- I don't care if you were put in charge of grabbing lunch for your friends, we've all go places to be.
4. Linkedin endorsements- Yeah, I'm sure my grandma can back me on my corporate strategy skills. Speaking of which, I don't recall accepting a connection request from her.
3. The last slice of pizza taker. There is a special place in hell...
2. The "One more thing..." Text- As the conversation has ended, I'm beyond caring anymore. Please don't pull me back into a conversation which required all emotional energy to keep myself from stopping you mid-sentence and mocking everything you hold dear

And the first place winner is...

1. Quoting Comedy Movie Lines- "Yeah man, I saw Anchor Man too..." Good times...good times...

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