Tuesday, October 8, 2013

New Segment: Words Which Are Needed In The English Language...Or Which Would Make It All the More Entertaining...

I have greatly neglected the blog... and I feel bad...about that...
So I plan on making it up to you: referring to those who actually read the blog/actually enjoy it (I'm looking at you Brandon).

So in order to do this I have a small post every day this week- OH GOODIE!
SO...Here it is
These are words and their attached definitions which describe a somewhat indescribable noun, verb or adjective which often occurs in daily life, but all too regularly requires an entire paragraph to express. These are meant to be funny but also make you stop and think to yourself,"Hey, that would be nice..." 

1.kindaknowphobia (noun): The feeling when one is too ashamed to say hello to someone else when that someone is only slightly familiar (an acquaintance perhaps). See also Kindaknowphobic,

Example: Kevin's kindaknowphobia kept him from to saying high to Nancy, his sister's rude and pig like roommate, whom he had only met once during a freak accident at a child's birthday party.

2. slip time (noun): the period of time between daily events which is not suitable for major productivity and often creates feelings of hopelessness or unproductiveness. 

Example: Sythia realized she only had 25 minutes of slip time until her Chemistry class, which happened to be the same one in which she hit on the TA in order to get a good grade

Thanks for reading- if you have any word suggestions, let me know in the comment section. I'll be sure to give you a shout out.